Benjamin Lowentritt, MD

Dr. Benjamin Lowentritt is Director of Prostate Cancer Services at United Urology Group, Director of the Comprehensive Prostate Cancer Care Program and Director of Minimally invasive Surgery and Robotics at Chesapeake Urology. He has been a leader of incorporating advanced prostate cancer treatments into community urology practices. He has authored numerous articles on the use of biomarkers, active surveillance, advanced prostate cancer, robotic surgery, erectile dysfunction and the urological management of patients after renal transplantation.

Dr. Lowentritt received his AB from Harvard University and Doctor of Medicine degree from Baylor College of Medicine. He completed his medical residency at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and a fellowship in Robotic, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Urology at Tulane University. Dr. Lowentritt has served on the board of the Mid-Atlantic Section of the American Urological Association and is currently President-Elect. He also serves on the Board of Directors for MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society and the Baltimore City Medical Society. He has been recognized as a Top Doctor in multiple publications over multiple years.