LUGPA is proud to announce that member groups are now able to use InfoDive® to measure and track productivity, financial and quality metrics against benchmark data at the practice, provider and patient levels. Provided in collaboration with IntrinsiQ Specialty Solutions™ (IQSS), this business analytics solution and HIPAA-compliant secure data exchange will give LUGPA members instant access to actionable information on practice performance.
InfoDive replaces LUGPA’s legacy benchmarking tool and will help member practices efficiently capture and compare their clinical and financial metrics to those of other independent urology groups.
Key Insights

■ Comprehensive views into Episodes of Care to assist you in moving from fee-for-service to value-based payment models ■ Measure productivity using multiple metrics, including RVUs, to benchmark against your peers ■ Comprehensive and secure data collection process accurately counts all types of procedures, along with corresponding charges and collections
■ Practice-specific aggregate analysis of financial information abstracted from practices’ financial systems ■ Integration of disparate data sources from multiple practice management system ■ Eliminate calculation and data entry errors with data upload from your practice management software platform ■ Access strategic reporting not available in your practice management system
Dr. Harris
"All of this data leads to one desired outcome of course: progress," said LUGPA Past President, Richard Harris, MD. "The data helps you identify performance improvement opportunities and insights about changing your practice patterns. This incredible benchmarking tool enables hundreds of urology practices across the country to manage their time, stay competitive, and lower administrative costs while introducing the latest therapies into their practices." Read Dr. Harris' entire message in the May 2020 issue of Reviews in Urology.
■ Robust internal and external benchmarking data, such as procedure data, physician data, practice data and financial data ■ Practice/provider/patient-level detailed reporting ■ Automated data updates with little staff time required
■ Custom key report packets with every refresh cycle ■ Easy to use – no software to install ■ Fully secure and HIPAA compliant ■ Complimentary monthly educational webinars on industry events
In 2020, medical practices underwent significant transformations: staffing changes, adapting to new demands for delivery of care, and moving telehealth from what was once obscure to a daily necessity, all while monitoring new reimbursement and payment policies that seem to change every hour. LUGPA and InfoDive can help your practice analyze the impact of changes like these and plan for what's ahead. Watch the 30-minute webinar, "COVID-19 Reporting: Essential Analytics to Support LUGPA Practices," where we explore how to leverage essential analytics and provide useful tips on what practices should be monitoring.
For more information on what this partnership means for your practice as a LUGPA member, please contact Katherine Stack, [email protected] or 312.794.7784. If you are not a current InfoDive user and would like more information or a product demonstration, please contact [email protected].