Resident Clinical Excellence Award
The Resident Clinical Excellence Award is a merit award that recognizes qualities in a Resident that show their potential to be a highly effective leader in independent urology.
- Innovation: Highly skilled with the use of new technology or a device. Your nominee was integral in the development and execution of a novel process, technology, product, service, approach, or other idea that improved the status quo, and/or created value.
- Problem Solving: Implemented process and/or operational improvement. The nominee resolved an issue, challenge or problem with efficiency, process improvement, or technology.
- Clinical Involvement: The nominee demonstrated an effective approach to diagnose, treat, prevent a disease, or improve a clinical process.
- Patient and Healthcare Team Interaction: The nominee has superior patient interaction, bedside manner, and works-well with the entire healthcare team to improve treatment, care delivery or quality of service.
- Overall Impact: The nominee has made a notable impact on your organization.
CASH AWARD: The recipient(s) will be recognized at the LUGPA Annual Meeting in Chicago in early November with a plaque and cash award of $1000. Travel expenses will be supported by LUGPA.
ELIGIBILITY: The applicant must be actively enrolled in an ACGME-approved urology residency program in the United States or in an approved fellowship.
- Completed cover form with resident information
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae
- Completed Clinical Excellence Award nomination worksheet
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: The 2025 submission deadline will be Aug. 31, 2025. Materials received after deadline will not be considered under any circumstances.
AWARD NOTIFICATION: Award recipient(s) will be notified by September 27.
SUBMISSION INFORMATION AND WHO TO CONTACT: Please send all required submission materials to Katherine Stack, [email protected].